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Shape-Note Sacred Harp Singing Workshop

Learn the basics of shape-note singing, a cappella American folk music that took root in the 1800’s. You’ll discover the four shapes of note heads – triangular “Fa,” oval “Sol,” rectangular “La,” and diamond “Mi” – in this unique system designed for sight-reading. We’ll listen to some shape-note tunes, learn how to “beat time” with simple hand motions, and by the end of the workshop we’ll sing several tunes in four-part harmony from the traditional tunebook, The Sacred Harp. All voices and skill levels welcome. No singing or sight-reading experience required.
Teacher: Lisa Grayson, with assistance from Randy Neufeld. LG has led many shape-note workshops over the years, and is the author of the free “A Beginner’s Guide to Shape-Note Singing,” available for free download at www.fasola.com/resources. She also wrote and designed “Biography of Hunch: A History of the Old Town School of Folk Music.”  

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