This class is a Continuation of Beginning Harmonica, and is designed for harmonica players looking to build their skill set. In this class we will utilize the diatonic harmonica, to continue to improve and advance our playing and skill. We will focus on our tone and develop the ability to produce clear, crisp musical notes. We will improve upon our chord chugging and rhythmic patterns with more exercise, practice, and observation of breath. We will listen to more recordings featuring harmonica and discuss notable harmonica players. We will start to use ear training to build our understanding of the musical sounds we are making and learning. And, we will be introduced to a great many more melodies and songs from a wide variety of sources including nursery rhymes folk, pop, rock, country, blues and jazz. Harmonic tab and chord sheets will be provided for each song we learn, and your instructor, Alby, will often play his guitar along with the class to give real world musical context to your playing.