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Beginner’s Blues Band - Live!

Blues Band Live!
Ready to hit the stage? In Blues Band Live!, you’ll join a small group of musicians to prepare for a live performance at Rosa’s Lounge (3420 W. Armitage), one of Chicago’s legendary blues venues. Over the course of the session, you and your bandmates will refine a set of five to six songs. The final Sunday of each session is showtime—your band will take the stage in front of friends, family, and fellow music lovers!

Orientation & Audition Night
If you are new to Blues Band Live!, it’s important that we meet you—and that you meet your fellow musicians. On the first Wednesday of each session, we hold an orientation and audition night at 6:30 PM in B4 (West Building, Lincoln Avenue).

At this event, you’ll learn key details about the class and the final performance at Rosa’s Lounge. Then, instructors will hold brief auditions to assess your skill level and ensure the best band placement for you. All participants should have a solid foundation on their instrument—guitarists should be comfortable with barre chords and basic 7th chords, bassists and drummers should maintain a steady pulse and handle essential grooves, and vocalists should be able to sing in tune and in time. The evening wraps up with a jam session!

Contact Steve Hutchins at steve.hutchins@oldtownschool.org.

Want to Prepare?
The Old Town School of Folk Music offers a variety of classes and private lessons in bass, drums, harmonica, guitar, piano, saxophone, and vocals. Our experienced instructors can help you build the skills you need to thrive in Blues Band Live!

Class Schedules and Availability