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American Folk Percussion: Washboard, Bones, Tambo, and Brushes

Join early Carolina Chocolate Drop Sule Greg Wilson for this special offering! Lots of folks today are strapping on washboards or clackin’ bones to be part of the Old Time music scene. Have you ever wondered where these instruments came from and how they came about? Despite hand drums being banned in the mid 1700’s (for enslaved Africans), percussion instruments in folk music never stopped. Sule will delve into the history of these American percussion traditions and demonstrate traditional playing styles and rhythms on washboard, bones, tambourine— as well as Jazz Brushes technique, and a touch of body percussion!

American griot Sule Greg Wilson digs for deep, strong roots. Steeped in both African and Post-African cultures, Sule built his base as a researcher and performer for the International Afrikan-American Ballet (1977-1982) and the African-American Index Project (1991-1994); as an archivist at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (1986-1989) and at the National African-American Museum Project (1994-1995). As a performer, he has carried this focus into collaborations with a diverse group of artists: Taj Mahal, Mike Seeger, Reginald R. Robinson, Sankofa Strings/Carolina Chocolate Drops, Tony Trishka, Ruthie Foster, Babatunde Olatunji, Peter Rowan, and Joe Thomson to name a few. Percussion, banjo, dance and storytelling are Sule’s chosen tools for cultural archeology and you are invited to dig with him.

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