Adult Group Class / Ensemble Program
From its gritty, glammy 70s beginnings to hardcore, pop punk, Riot Grrl and queercore, punk has always carried a spirit of defiance and self-expression. Find your voice, get loud, play with a band and explore punk music past and present. Class culminates in an end-of-session performance.
Open to all electric instruments and vocalists.
Grouped with: Electric / Pop & Rock
80 minutes
Weekly for 8 weeks
Guitar prerequisite: Guitar 3 Rep or working knowledge of bar/power chords. Drums/bass: Ability to keep a steady tempo and play uptempo rock music
Bass, Drum Kit, Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, Voice
James G. Hart Foundation
Geraldine Keefe
Negaunee Foundation
Rob and Karen Ospalik
Tomford and Grossman Family