This class, currently on-line, covers basic harmonica skills, including those required for playing blues, country, folk, gospel, and other music, and creating the distinctive tonal and rhythmic sounds for which the harmonica is known. Ear players welcome. D and G diatonic harmonicas; a recording device is strongly recommended.
Skip introduces the skills, then slowly goes over and plays a song that applies the skills. The emphasis in class is on learning and applying, and each class includes a review of songs from earlier weeks. Tab is provided on-line for all songs, but playing by ear is encouraged if the student is comfortable trying it. Students are often surprised how easy it becomes. When possible I identify version of our songs on-line in a key playable on a harp you have, with info on slowing down the Youtube version. Recordings with accompaniment from past classes are often available for play along.
Each class ends with a summary and suggestions for practice.