West African Dance
Idy Ciss comes to us from Senegal. He credits his grandparents with his natural dance ability. They were well known in their village for their dancing, and it was from them that he received this gift. From the time he was five years old, the people from his village loved to watch him dance. He was always called upon to perform for special occasions and ceremonies. He credits the love and support of his family and neighbors as the catalyst which led him to the field of professional dance. Idy is also a teacher and singer of traditional African songs. His professional debut was with Les Ballets Africans Kolaam Serere. He is also a former member of Ballets Africans. He has performed before presidents of several African countries and appeared on national television in Senegal. Idy is a full time member of Muntu Dance Theatre of Chicago, offering his expertise as a consultant, choreographer, and principal dancer.
Started at the Old Town School in September of 1998