Your support makes a world of music and a world of difference. Thank you!
Tribute gifts at all levels are included. We want your recognition to be accurate; should you find an error or have a question, please contact the Development Office at (773) 751-3330.
Click to make a donation today.
- In honor of Caleb Albritton
- In honor of Devin Arkin
- In honor of Reiko Asaka
- In memory of Sarajane Avidon*
- In honor of Michael B, Jimmy T, Bill B, Robbie F, Mark D, and Ed H.
- In memory of Jim Bermann, from your family at Joe's Live and Joe's on Weed Street
- In honor of the blues
- In honor of Bosco
- In memory of Paul Breidenbach*
- In honor of BTC Communications Inc
- In honor of Leonard Byster
- In honor of, and thanks to, Greg Cahill
- In honor of Idy Ciss and West African Dance class
- In memory of Evelyn Crews, from members of the Blue Moon Society*
- In honor of Joe Dady
- In honor of Christina A. Daskas
- In honor of Steve Dawson
- In memory of Gary Lee Dodd
- In memory of Mark Farmer
- In memory of Russell Freund*
- In honor of Max Friedman on his bar mitzvah
- In honor of a great guitar teacher: Uncle Dan Fulkerson!
- in honor of Bernie Gold
- In honor of Steve Goodman
- In honor of Bau Graves*
- In loving memory of Ken Guy
- In loving memory of Janice Hamilton*
- In memory of Kenneth P. and Barbara A. Hein
- In memory of Louis Hillman*
- Rick & Karen Weiland in honor of Ed Holstein
- In celebration and gratitude for the great Charlie Ingrassia in our lives
- Old Town School extends special appreciation to the Ingrassia family and many friends of Charlie Ingrassia:
- In memory of Charlie Ingrassia*
- For my friend Jessi
- In memory of Jody, my biggest fan
- In honor of David J Johnson
- In memory of Thomas Johnson
- In memory of Bruce Kaplan
- In honor of Karima who loved to work at OTS before she moved to Hawaii
- In honor of Lori Kash
- In honor of Ken and Barbara Kaufman*
- In honor of Charles Kim: a great teacher!
- In memory of John Benjamin Kirk
- In memory of Mary Krebs Smyth and Judith Roth
- In honor of Eddy Kunze
- In honor of Skip Landt*
- In honor of Steve Levitt Guitar 3 rep
- In honor of Lincoln Park High School Staff
- In honor of Lincolnwood Library
- In honor of Jim Mabie
- In honor of Marshall Marcovitz and Liz Levy
- In memory of Ken Marks. With love, Lois and Jack
- In honor of Victor Mateevici
- In honor of Tom & Harlene Matyas, in celebration of your 50 years together
- In honor of McAlpine Consulting
- In memory of Patrick McClintock*
- In honor of Maria McCullough
- In honor of Reggio McLaughlin
- In honor of Mark Miller, Evanston, IL*
- In honor of Sarah Mischner
- In honor of Charles F. Moles and Kathy Harrington
- In memory of Charlie Moles
- In memory of my mom and dad
- For Nana
- In honor of Jim Newcomb*
- In honor of Old Town School, an amazing institution!
- Save OTSFM Community - Save 909 W Armitage!
- In memory of Max Overton
- In memory of Tom Payne*
- In memory of Jim Picard*
- In memory of Gwen Pippin
- In honor of Ethel Polk's birthday*
- In honor of Michael and Carol Prussian
- In honor of Michael Prussian's birthday*
- In honor of Michael Prussian's birthday, Love Margie & Carol
- In honor of Jamie Rachlin
- In memory of Garfield S. Rawitsch
- In honor of Douglas P. Regan
- In honor of Karen Risinger's birthday
- In honor of Mr. Roboto
- In honor of Harrison Ross
- In memory of Judith Roth*
- In memory of Judy Roth. From: Judy Gordon & David Eichhorn
- In honor of Sami, Bob and Rebecca
- In honor of Stephanie Schrodt
- In honor of John Shea
- In honor of Hannah Shefsky
- In honor of Barbie Silverman
- In memory of Bob Simmons*
- In honor of Gary Snyderman's birthday*
- In honor of the Spaghetti Monster
- To Steph
- In honor of local students
- In honor of Elizabeth Suenkens
- In honor of Jacob Sweet's birthday
- In memory of Eugene Swift*
- In honor of Emma Talen
- Remembering Dan Tallman
- In honor of the great teachers and staff of the Old Town School
- For musicians everywhere, especially those that make a living from it.
- In honor of musical education
- In honor of the teachers and staff during a difficult time
- In honor of all the great teachers at OTS*
- In honor of all the musicians and artists keeping us sane during this time of lock down!
- In honor of Folk Musicians
- In honor of Musicians
- In honor of Kate Tomford
- In honor of Rebecca Toon
- In honor of Eli Tullis, Jr*
- in honor of Rich Warren's special birthday
- In memory of Cliff Weber
- In memory of JT & WW Weingart
- In honor of Jospeh Kyle White
- In honor of Jimmy Wiedner
- In honor of Michelle Williams
- In memory of Evelyn and Bob Wilson
- In loving memory of "Banjo Ruth" Wirth
- In honor of Jack Wiseman-Heneise
- In appreciation of Azita Youssefi, Jacob Sweet, and Jack Cassidy
- * indicates multiple gifts
- January 1, 2019 - July 7, 2020