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2018 Year End FAQ

As we end 2018, we want to clear up a few misconceptions and confusion around recent activity at Old Town School and we hope this brief FAQ will answer many of your questions. Best wishes for a Happy New Year and we look forward to many more music and dance adventures together in 2019!

Is the School going out of business? Is the school closing?

Absolutely not. It’s business as usual for students at classes in all of our campus buildings, including 909 W. Armitage. There are available spots in Wiggleworms, Adult & Kids Group Classes, Private Lessons, Ensembles, Dance and much, much more at all of our locations. You can browse the entire catalog at oldtownschool.org/classes (a coupon code for classes is available below)

Is 909 W. Armitage for sale?

While the Old Town School Board of Directors initially voted to begin the sales process for 909 W. Armitage in October, as of December 3, the Board has voted to extend the discussion period regarding the sale until March 31, 2019. This will provide more time for community listening and engagement with students, faculty, staff and board members. We anticipate classes being available through the third session of 2019 regardless of an updated vote. After this period of time, any changes to our campus will be communicated to students and faculty with ample time for adjustment, at least a full session before changes go into effect.

What is next?

Working Groups are now forming on the following topics: Enrollment, Armitage Alternatives and Communication. We are reaching out to students, members, faculty, staff and board to participate and these committees will begin their work in January. The goal is to increase transparency and work together with representative members of our entire community to address our challenges, provide useful feedback and approach our future together. These working groups will report out findings and opportunities to the staff and board of directors throughout Q1 2019.

Is the Music Store closing?

Only the 909 W. Armitage branch of the Old Town School Music Store will be closing in early January, 2019. The store will continue to run the business out of the Lincoln Square location as well as online at musicstore.oldtownschool.org. The store staff will provide some services at the beginning of each session at Armitage to take care of instrument rentals and accessories for class.

How can I help?

The best way for individuals to impact Old Town School is to take a class or encourage friends, family & your community to join us in our legendary classes. Additionally a year-end donation also helps provide support for our programs and financial aid to assist Old Town School’s mission of providing access to music and dance programs for all of Chicago.

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Sorry we are away, but we would love to hear from you and chat soon!