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Teen Open Mic

An Open Mic Just for Teens, Ages 13 - 19

How to sign up for Teen Open Mic:

Are you a Solo Performer? Or are you a group of two aka a Duo? Then you need to show up in person between 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM sharp to sign up with the Teen Open Mic staff! And don’t be late, as we sometimes run out of performance slots (we really hate to turn people away)!

Does your group/band have 3 or more people? Please fill out our TOM Band Sign-up form here to apply for a performance slot. The deadline to apply is one week prior to each show . We will reply as soon as possible to confirm that you have a performance slot.

What to expect: A supportive and fun atmosphere to celebrate everyone’s contributions and to welcome new performers.

Who can participate? Pretty much everyone: emerging singer songwriters, solo electric guitarists, vocalists of all kinds, spoken word artists, rappers, acoustic groups, Irish fiddlers, jazz bands, and full-fledged rock bands!

How long is the show? The show starts at 7pm and usually ends between 9:00-9:30pm depending on the number of performers that sign up. There is also a 10-minute intermission.

How much time do I have? Each solo act or duo gets 1 song/5 minutes and performs in the first half of the show. Groups/bands of 3 or more must be confirmed in advance (see above), and each group gets 3 songs/15 minutes during the second half of the show.

Acoustic or electric? We love it all! Play what you are passionate about playing.

Many of our Teen Arts Collectives members and Teen Rock Ensembles regularly play this show. You will also hear performances by students who study with our wonderful Private Lessons faculty! Find out more about our Classes for Teens.

Upcoming show dates:


Saturday · April 05 · 7:00 PM · Armitage Hall

Teen Open Mic


Saturday · May 03 · 7:00 PM · Armitage Hall

Teen Open Mic


Saturday · June 07 · 7:00 PM · Armitage Hall

Teen Open Mic