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Concerts & Events

Saturday, October 19, 2024  ·  8:00 PM CDT
Sunday, October 20, 2024  ·  7:00 PM CDT

T Bone Burnett

4544 N Lincoln Ave · Gary and Laura Maurer Concert Hall · 773.728.6000

T Bone Burnett is an acclaimed musician, composer, and producer known for his innovative contributions to music and film. With a career spanning over five decades, he has worked with legendary artists like Robert Plant, Alison Krauss, Brandi Carlile, and Elton John. Burnett's notable projects include producing the soundtracks for O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Walk the Line. His own music, as heard on his latest solo album, The Other Side, often explores deep themes of human experience and conscience, blending genres from country blues to rock. An Oscar and Grammy winner, Burnett continues to influence the music industry with his creative vision and artistic integrity.
