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Saturday, August 3, 2024  ·  8:00 PM CDT

Sunny War

4545 N Lincoln Ave · The Myron R. Szold Music & Dance Hall · 773.728.6000

It's no secret that great art comes from the margins. From those who are either pushed to create from inner forces, or who create to show they deserve to be recognized. Los Angeles-based street singer, guitarist, and roots music revolutionary Sunny War has always been an outsider, always felt the drive to define her place in the world through music and songwriting. Her restless spirit, a byproduct of growing up semi-nomadic with a single mother, led her to Venice Beach, California, where she's been grinding the pavement for some years now, making a name for her prodigious guitar work and incisive songwriting, which touches on everything from police violence to alcoholism to love found and lost.

“…her right thumb plunks the bass part while her forefinger upstrokes notes and chords, leaving the other three fingers unused. A banjo technique, it's also used by acoustic blues guitarists. Her fingers are long and strong - Robert Johnson hands - in jarring contrast to the waif they're attached to. The walking bass line sounds like a hammer striking piano keys in perfect meter, while the fills are dynamic flurries - like cluster bombs. I haven't heard a young guitarist this dexterous and ass-kicking in eons.” - Michael Simmons, L.A Weekly
