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Saturday, September 23, 2023  ·  4:00 PM CDT

Frank Hamilton and the Folk Revival

Free Documentary Film Screening

4545 N Lincoln Ave · The Myron R. Szold Music & Dance Hall · 773.728.6000

Frank Hamilton, the prolific folk singer, musician, teacher and co-founder of Chicago's Old Town School of Folk Music is a legend in his own time.

A group of professional filmmakers have produced a documentary "Frank Hamilton and the Folk Revival: From Woody Guthrie To ‘We Shall Overcome” about Frank and his influence on music, culture and his times.

Frank is the last living copyright author of the civil rights anthem “We Shall Overcome”. Frank joined the ranks of Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Guy Carawan, The Weavers and others to voice concerns and carry the message that if people can play music and sing together, then they will talk as well, and tear down any walls of indifference, both socially and politically.

Frank Hamilton may not be a household name, but his influence can be felt across a breadth of American musical culture.